4515 Travis Street
Dallas, Texas

The Dallas Mavericks Foundation together with The Heroes Foundation and the NBA Entertainment League will host
“Eye Candy”
Exclusive Tip-Off Party for the NBAE All-Star Celebrity Slam Jam
Friday, April 13, 2007
10 p.m. (after the Mavs vs. Jazz game)
At Dallas’ hot spot “SUITE”
4515 Travis Street
Dallas, Texas
Celebrities from the NBA Entertainment League along with Dallas Mavericks Players will be in attendance!

Proceeds benefit The Heroes Foundation and The Dallas Mavericks Foundation.
Dress: UP!
Open bar from 10 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Must present valid ID for entrance into event, 21 and up only.
No pictures or autographs.
For tickets, contact Taylor Mayad
214.353.8976 (wk)
214.435.7756 (m)

Added by tmayad on April 10, 2007

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