ExtroBritannia's July event
Natasha Vita-More and Anders Sandbergs:
Transhumanism 2.0 - Getting on track
Natasha Vita-More and Anders Sandbergs will discuss the way ahead for transhumanism, from the experience of the Extropy Institute to the promotion of the Proactionary Principle as the concept with the most potential to take us toward transhumanity.
Transhumanism is an emergent philosophy analysing or favouring the use of science and technology, especially neurotechnology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, to overcome human limitations and improve the human condition.
Monday the 24th of July 2006 starting at 7pm at Conway Hall (Bertrand Russell Room) in Holborn, London.
The event is free and everyone is welcome.
25 Red Lion Square,
London WC1R 4RL
tel 020 7242 8032
Nearest tube: Holborn
Map: http://tinyurl.com/8syus
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ExtroBritannia is the monthly public event of the UK Transhumanist Association:
Official Website: http://www.extrobritannia.blogspot.com
Added by estropico on July 14, 2006