The Extra Action Marching Band exists in a world between traditional marching band and ecstatic turmoil. This generously-portioned, smartly-attired group of up to 40 performers include a hypnotic drum corps, a smoking horn section, a bullhorn virtuoso, an aggressively friendly pep squadron, and a sultry flag team who, although not famous for their good taste, know how to work the crowd into a high state of horny hilarity with their graceful, in-your-face stunts and dizzying routines. Together the group delivers a deliriously engaging show with an emphasis on torrid rhythm, spontaneous and unrestrained expression, thunderous upheaval, and remote-controlling the collective ass of crowds everywhere. Extra Action: a frightfully charming parade happening anytime, anyplace, anticipated or not! No venue too large or too small.
Also performing this evening is Dr. Abacus, whose style has been referred to as "cartoon music on acid", One-Man Banjo ("Figure it out!"), and Fight of the Century, which is described as nothing more than "a puppet show".
Added by courtneyp on June 15, 2005