With the dawn of the web the software industry finally achieved a huge milestone: zero-deployment applications that can be run anywhere the user has a computer.
With the rise of free or low cost advertising, testing, and metrics frameworks, the world of software expanded enormously as software companies gained the ability to target niche customer bases and monetize their applications more effectively.
Join SDForum as we present our first-ever Cloud Computing conference. This daylong event will address the issues and controversies surrounding cloud computing help you to understand the technologies and risks involved, and enable you to figure out what, exactly, your company should do to take advantage of the ongoing revolution.
9:00am-9:30am Registration and Coffee
9:30am-10:00am Opening Keynote: James Staten, Forrester Research
10:00am-11:00am Panel: Users' Views of Utility Computing and Application Scenarios
Oren Michels, Mashery
Tim Schigel, Sharethis
Moderator: Bill Grosso
11:00am-11:30am Morning Keynote: Dave Douglas, Network.com/Sun
11:30am-12:15pm Lunch Break
12:15pm-1:15pm Panel: The Enterprise Perspective: Challenges and Opportunities (Vendors/Customers)
Moderator: Chris Preimesberger, E-week
1:30pm-2:30pm Panel: Craw/ Walk / Run: When to use the cloud and when not to: Speaker TBD, Elastra
2:30pm-2:45pm Break
2:45pm-3:15pm Afternoon Keynote: Dr. Jayashree Subrahmonia, IBM
3:15pm-4:15pm VC Panel: What is the Investment Landscape?
Lars Leckie, Hummer Winblad
Andy Vitus, Scale Venture Partners
John Vrionis, Lightspeed Venture Partners
4:15pm-4:30pm Session: Developer Perspective
4:30pm-5:00pm Closing Keynote
5:00pm-5:15 pm Closing Remarks
$75 SDForum Members, $99 non-members.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/cloud08
Added by FullCalendar on September 5, 2008