The city
Shanghai, Shanghai

Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai, China and is a scheduled World's Fair in the grand tradition of international fairs and expositions. The theme of the exposition will be "Better City – Better Life" and signifies Shanghai's new status in the 21st century as a major economic and cultural center. It is expected to generate the largest number of visitors in the history of the world's fairs in terms of gross numbers, although it will have a tough time matching the per capita visit rate of the 1967 Montreal World's Fair, attended by 50 million people at a time when Canada's total population was a mere 20 million.

The event is tentatively scheduled to be held from 1 May 2010 – 31 October 2010.

Official Website:

Added by robertscales on July 9, 2007



Robert, please could you change this event to a whole day event! This takes up pretty much my whole calendar.
