Are you aware of the great secret hidden in our breath ? We eliminate nearly 80% of toxins in our body just through breath.
You are invited to experience the simple, yet powerful breathing techniques, taught in this session...
In this workshop, you'll learn breathing techniques that instantly
* make your mind calm
* control negative emotions
* create a sense of well-being
* infuse your body with prana/life force energy
* detoxify through the breath
* increase energy and vitality
* Heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.
It includes:
* Breathing techniques to deal with stress, control negative emotions and improve overall health (Include this point only if the above para cannot be posted due to word limit constraints)
* Yoga & Guided Meditation.
* Introduction to "Sudharshan Kriya", a technique which incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and calm the mind.
* Practical wisdom for improving work and relationships
* Insight into the laws that govern the mind and emotions
Admission: FREE (RSVP required due to limited seating availability)
RSVP here:
Check out the video-
Added by Hemant Ranade on August 5, 2009