Explore the healing arts from traditional Eastern medicine and how subtle biological energy in the body can be managed to decrease pain, ease muscle tension, speed healing, and improve sleep. Basic and clinical research is revealing new insights that show how these energy centers (chakras) can be used to “jump start” the healing process when it has been slowed or stalled.
Al Rapaport, is a Zen Teacher and founder of Open Mind Zen Center in Melbourne, FL. He will lead this workshop that will take you in a new direction of positive action. He has 40 years of experience in Kundalini yoga and Zen meditation as well as being a Breathwork Facilitator in Transformational Breathwork.
To register go to www.sojizencenter.com Or call Brenda Waters at (917) 856-5659.
$75; Soji Members $65 (includes a light lunch)
Soji Zen Center is a not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Official Website: http://www.sojizencenter.com
Added by Soji Zen Center on September 12, 2007