3601 Lyon St.
San Francisco, California 94123

From seasonal cycles and perceptions of “the present” to calculations of satellite orbits, time is so much a part of our lives that we often take it for granted. Tonight we examine time’s many faces through activities and presentations featuring honeybees, jump-shot photography, a performance by Gamelan Sari Raras, and a tour of Einstein’s breakthrough ideas on space-time by Dr. Thomas Humphrey.

Explore antique timepieces with clockmaker Dorian Claire and The Long Now Foundation’s 10,000 Year Clock project, then take a longer view as physicist Ron Hipschman reveals the science of carbon dating and the astronomy behind our calendar year. Horologic artworks, exhibits, and films await, inviting new encounters with this age-old fascination.

To sign up for the Exploratorium’s After Dark email list and receive once-a-month event details, contact afterdark@exploratorium.edu.

Full Press Release: http://press.exploratorium.edu/exploratorium-after-dark-time-june-2010/

Official Website: http://www.exploratorium.edu/afterdark/

Added by ExplOratorium SF on April 28, 2010

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