3601 Lyon St.
San Francisco, California 94123

It’s an evening of Hawaiian music and culture, Polynesian navigation and hands-on science. During the evening, expert ocean navigator Kalepa Baybayan will share some of the astounding non-instrument techniques that have enabled Pacific Islanders to cross the Pacific for thousands of years. Award-winning slack key guitarist Makana will also play. Age 31, he has toured the world numerous times with regular appearances on the mainland United States (including a recent White House performance for the Obamas). Wendeanne Ke’aka Stitt, a traditional Hawaiian kapa cloth maker, shows how she turns ordinary tree bark into wonderfully patterned cloth. Additionally, Aileen Camello of Aloha Leis will demonstrate how she makes beautiful leis that are synonymous with Hawaii. Aileen will also be working with guests to make their own leis to take home.After Dark is included in the price of admission to the Exploratorium. Or become an After Dark member and attend the next twelve After Dark events for $25. To sign up for the Exploratorium’s After Dark email list and receive once-a-month event details, contact afterdark@exploratorium.edu.

Full Press Release: http://press.exploratorium.edu/after-dark-navigating-polynesian-art-and-science-may-2010/

Added by ExplOratorium SF on April 23, 2010

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