6000 Santa Monica Boulevard at Gower
Los Angeles, California 90038

We are the first modern film to screen at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery!

We will be outside on the lawn---so bring your blankets, and goodies, please also join us for the AFTER PARTY at El Guapo on Melrose. 7250 Melrose Ave.

Mandatory RSVP to becksinla@aol.com
"Sascha Knopf, playing Bessie, comes across as a hyperactive Annie Hall...offering Charlie heartfelt, if half-baked wisdom through lips that would make Angelina Joile take noitce."-Film Radar

“...Sascha Knopf was born to play Bessie with irreverence and ebullience...”-A MovieEveryday.com

”...Knopf as the alternately cheery and gloomy Bessie, brings an air of Brittany Murphy- cheeriness to the role, minus the mega-annoyance factor of Murphy...” - -The Seattle Cinematical

“...mixing comedy, satire, and romance is and amazingly courageous journey for a filmmaker to embark upon. Rick Stevenson has an obvious love and respect for his characters and his compassion infuses every scene in the film...” Stephen Simon, Spiritual Cinema

-The Seattle Cinematical. “...Sascha Knopf is a high-maintenance whirlwind of energy and impulse as a screwball dream girl with a goofy grin, and a childlike sweetness...”-The Seattle PI

“...Robert Guthrie and Sascha Knopf, both of whom not only craft an entertaining and charming little romance, also have great comedic timing and energy.”-Coming Soon.net

"an absolute delight from start to finish"
- Stephen Simon Spiritual Cinema Circle

“Pefect Happiness...”-Moira MacDonald, The Seattle Times

Check out the film's website to see the trailer and more fabulous stuff

myspace url/deathbymilktruck

PS...It's a $10 donation to the cemetery.

Official Website: http://www.expirationdatethemovie.com

Added by expdate on September 10, 2006

Interested 1