290 Harvard Street
Brookline, Massachusetts 02446

(Previously we received coverage for the first "Experimentally Ill" -
featured (interview/event preview) in Metro Boston's entertainment
section, pg. 13 of the 7/10/08 edition - "License to ILL" by Sarah Shanfield. http://www.metrobostonnews.com/us/article/2008/07/10/02/3327-66/index.xml?print=1

A bigger, two page article, with Mike Phelan O'Toole on the front page of The Needham Times paper in their "Week of 9/3 " edition is out now, available online at


"EXPERIMENTALLY ILL 2" : An Indie Showcase of Alternative Film

A little piece of insanity returns to the historic Coolidge Corner
Theatre at 290 Harvard Street in Brookline, MA, as spoken word
performer, Vh1 hopeful, actor and video artist Mike Phelan O'Toole and
cable access
legend and WBCN radio personality Quincy Brisco (of the Toucher and
Rich Show) host a brand new entertaining, eclectic D.I.Y. filmic

If funky animation, quirky cult flicks, comedy and non-pretentious art
movies sound cool to you, sit back and relax in the Coolidge's
incredible Video Screening Room from 7-9PM on Thursday, the eleventh
of September, 2008! This venue welcomes us back for another big live
event, featuring visually stunning, odd and entertaining underground
films, video shorts, music videos, and live action tomfoolery with a
crew of unique personalites like no other. Admission is two dollars to
help allow future shows. The first "Experimentally Ill" was very
popular, so plan to arrive early.

Peep out moving images never before screened at the Coolidge! Marvel
as special guest speakers provide A's for your Q's after the

And what flicks and which guests are in store for you this time 'round? Read on:

*Collaborations from Mike Phelan O'Toole and Lawrence Hollie's "Random
Acts" community television show

*A spoken word audio performance by Mike Phelan O'Toole, coupled with
videography of model Jennifer Mitchell. Videography by Lawrence Hollie.

*The best, most colorfully insane of Quincy Brisco's "Quincy's Perspective"

*Orrin Zucker and Jerry Zucker's EMMY-winning "It's Jerry Time!"
animations (of the ongoing web series "It's Jerry Time!")

*Local artist/writer/filmmaker D.L. Polonsky's surreal comedy "Urban
Fairy," edited by Mike Phelan O'Toole, and starring special guest for
the evening, Richard Berman.

*Sketch comedy shorts and the docu/mocumentary "Burning Ambition of A
Solutionist - A Love Story" by comedy team "The Peanut Butter
Solutionists" (Trevor Martin and Conor Sullivan)

*The world premiere of a far-out visual collage, "Indie-visuality" by
D.L. Polonsky

*James Bernardinelli's cult sensation series "Perfect Jimmy Gone
Wild," featuring avant-garde sketch comedy and surreal, hilarious

*Experimental video selections from the MindPie video artist collective

*Mike Clement's latest wacky puppetry, laced with biting social commentary!

*Jesse Kreitzer's "Pearlswig" documentary about Boston's forty year
veteran, #1 celebrity autograph hound and paparazzi - Jerome

*Lauren Rossi's psychedelic visual journey "Outer Layers," and
experimental documentary/reality-based pieces.

*DJ Benny Appell's commentary and comedy "The Price Is Wrong" music video

*Dom Portalla's short films "Jimmy's Birthday," "Double Date," and more.

*The inspiring insanity of "Monsterface TeeVee" by muli-media rock and
sock extravaganza band Uncle Monsterface

*A comedy horror film "The Leaves" by Andrew Eldridge

*A horror thriller - the award-winning "Denoucement"

*The debut of the video created by Lawrence Hollie and Mike Phelan
O'Toole for rising Boston and Ireland rock band MidAtlantic (formerly
The Bleedin Bleedins)'s song "Shine"

And more to be announced!
Line-up subject to change.

e-mail mikeovideo@gmail.com for more info or press interviews.

Visit MikePhelanOToole.com , Youtube.com/Captureman,
Youtube.com/randomacts73, MySpace.com/MikeOToole, and
MikeOCast.blogspot.com for news as it breaks!
Visit http://coolidge.org for venue info and directions.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of mikeotoole.

Official Website: http://mikephelanotoole.com

Added by mikeotoole on July 31, 2008

Interested 2