Tassajara Rd.
San Francisco, California

Exploring each moment as a sacred experience of interconnectedness with body, mind, and place.

Open yourself to the ever-changing vibrancy of the present moment and find a renewed sense of interconnection between your mind and body and the natural world. Blending the ancient ecological wisdom of yoga and Zen, we will practice, discuss, and reflect together. The mountains and waters of Tassajara provide the perfect environment to intimately explore new ways to deepen our experience of the inherent interconnectedness of life.

The Baths and Hot Springs
Tassajara’s hand-crafted Japanese-style bathhouse is clothing-optional, and has separate sides for men and women, with co-ed bathing on the men’s side in the evenings. Each side has a tiled indoor hot plunge, an outdoor plunge, steam room, communal showers, and a private bath. There are decks for sunning and yoga, with steps leading down into the creek

About Tassajara Zen Mountain Center:
Nestled deep in a mountain valley, Tassajara is located inland from the Big Sur coast in a remote part of the Ventana Wilderness. For centuries, the native Esselen people have visited here as a place of healing and renewal, and a hot springs resort was built in the 1800s. In 1967, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and the San Francisco Zen Center established a monastic community at Tassajara, making it the oldest Zen training monastery outside Asia.

Over the years, a rich Zen-inspired culture of living mindfully with the earth and each other has developed at Tassajara. In the winter, Tassajara closes its gates and turns inward, as residents engage in intensive Zen training. During the summer months, our attention turns to welcoming and serving our guests. We warmly invite you to come and refresh yourselves in this very special place.

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center is part of the San Francisco Zen Center, which also includes Beginner's Mind Temple (City Center) in San Francisco and Green Gulch Farm in Marin County, California.

San Francisco Zen Center is a nonprofit organization, and we gratefully accept your donations. You may add a donation directly to your reservation, or please contact us for more information

Official Website: http://www.sfzc.org/tassajara

Added by San Francisco Zen Center Events on February 22, 2010