1463 Highland Ave
Melbourne, Florida 32935

This light hearted exhibition of artwork was inspired by tools and hardware. On display are 47 paintings, sculptures and works on paper courtesy of International Arts and Artists' Hechinger Collection: 'Tools as Art.' John Hechinger, Sr. owner of a hardware-store empire began collecting art in 1978. He thought his new company's headquarters was efficient but looked sterile. To foster a creative environment, Hechinger began collecting art that celebrated the company's livelihood and installed it throughout the company to inspire his employees to take pride in their work. Tools in Motion explores the collection's fundamental themes -- metamorphosis and magic - the transformation of a utilitarian tool into a work of art. This family friendly exhibition rejoices in the "do it yourself" ethos and the power of art to transform expectations in a playful, visually inspiring way.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 30, 2009