Complementing the Everhart Museum's fall exhibit, Tools in Motion, the Gallery One exhibition, Student Art at the Everhart: Fantasy Tools, highlights the work of area students who created artworks inspired by their perfect fantasy tool. Through these collaborative efforts, the Everhart nurtures creativity and showcases artistic excellence in the community. The schools involved in this exhibition include: Abington Heights Middle School and High School, Scranton High School, Audubon Elementary School, Prescott Elementary School, and Mountain View Elementary School. Date: 26 September - 29 December, 2008 Museum Hours: Monday, Thursday, and Friday, 12 noon to 4 pm Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm Sunday, 12 noon to 5 pm Cost : Adults $5 Seniors & Students $3 Children 6 to 12 $2 Children 5 and under admitted free of charge
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 13, 2008