Consisting of two 16-foot lengths of polished steel that are gently curved to create a continuous convex and concave wall, 'S-Curve (2006),' recalls the exploration of form that Anish Kapoor most famously presented in 'Cloud Gate' in Chicago's Millennium Park. At a height of seven feet and with highly reflective surfaces, 'S-Curve' engages viewers in a powerful physical and visual experience within the Sackler Gallery.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 2, 2009
Dwight Yoakam has been my favorite country singer since he has been around. I am a 43 year old single mother with 2 grown boys. I would love the chance to meet him. Many of his songs have gotten me through tough times. I live in South Carolina and for him to come in concert here would be fantastic. Needless to say I do find him very sexy as most women do. I wish the best for him and maybe I will get to meet him one day. Thanks!