JILL DOWNEN: Hard Hat Optional
Chris Rubin de la Borbolla: there was a silent tinfoil rapping against the front door (Project Room)
Brett Williams: Things You Will See (Media Room)
Jill Downen's latest installation, "Hard Hat Optional", resembles a construction site, filled with anatomical forms reminiscent of sensual bodily elements, pockets of empty space, and areas of densely packed material. She stacks, leans, and places sculptural and architectural forms to be seen not as individual pieces, but rather as a complete installation. The exhibit emphasizes the temporal nature and transformation of place. Downen invites viewers to question whether the site is in a process of construction or deconstruction, with seductive fragments, sensitive folds of architectural skin, and stacks of flesh-like blocks. The work employs an indeterminate nature and offers viewers an opportunity to experience the space and directly interact with precariously balanced building materials and forms.
Added by bdgal2007 on April 7, 2009