1492 N Harbor Dr
San Diego, California 92101

This exhibit presents some of the most amazing miniature ship models ever constructed! Come and meander through a display of over forty examples from some of the best model ship builders in the world. This is a truly unique opportunity to view many works of art that have never been available to the public before. The craftsmanship employed, attention to detail, and the fact that some of these models are as much as 200 years old are just a few of the reasons why this is a world class collectionLocated in the Gould-Eddy Gallery on the ferryboat BerkeleyGeneral AdmissionAdults $14Seniors (62 and over) $11Active Military (with valid military ID) $11Children (6-17) $8Children 5 and under are freeMuseum members are always freeGeneral admission pricing includes entrance to all of the museum's historic ships and the exhibits on board.

Official Website: http://www.americantowns.com/ca/sandiego/events/exhibit-masterpieces-in-miniature-2009-12-04

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 30, 2009