Joel Smith will be exhibiting at the Las Cruces Museum of Art from September 3 through November 20, 2010. An artist’s reception will be held during the Friday Ramble on September 3 from 5:00-7:00pm.
Smith’s dynamic paintings have been shown in exhibitions from New York to Japan and featured at the Marianne Deson Gallery and the Campanile Capponi Contemporary Gallery in Illinois. Smith recently moved his studio to Socorro, New Mexico, where he now resides.
According to Mr. Smith, his “oil paintings do not represent emotion, they transcend it.” The artist works to create paintings that have their own “persona,” using vivid colors and spontaneous brush strokes.
As of June 1, new gallery hours are 9:00am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Saturday. The Museum of Art is closed Sunday and Monday.
Funded by the City of Las Cruces. The Las Cruces Museum of Art is located at 491 N. Main Street at the north end of the downtown mall. For more information, call (575) 541-2137 or visit the website
Added by lcms on August 16, 2010