Chicago, Illinois


Exclusive One Day Premier Workshop

Brought to you by

Solutions Inc., Canada- an accredited courseware and training provider
(ACP/ATP) to deliver a variety of IT Service Management (ITSM) training
solutions for IT and non IT professionals. We offer a full range of ITIL
and ITSM training courses through a variety of flexible delivery options as
per your needs and Budget. The international clients include Barclays Bank,
UK; Bell Canada Inc; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)Cisco, USA;
Hewlett Packard Ltd, UK; Hewlett-Packard Inc, USA; ITSM Academy Inc., USA;
Oracle Corporation; and Nextel, USA among others


To be announced


9:00 AM Sharp Till 5:30 PM, Single
day event.


To be announced @ (Delhi, Gurgaon,
Noida, Hyderabad, Bangalore & Chennai)

"It is nonsense
to believe that if we do things differently tomorrow
from the way we did them today, the results can be the same.
The definition of insanity is - behaving today as we behaved yesterday and
expecting the results to be different

These two
quotations, Better than any other, express the advantages of following
processes and procedures. If we seek consistency (and quality) in the way
in which we deliver services, all of those involved must tread a
well-practiced path and we must continually learn from our mistakes.
This one-day
workshop explores and discusses the organizational and management
challenges involved in designing, delivering & supporting IT services
to the international best practice standard guidance for
IT Service Management (ITSM) published in ITIL

To provide
familiarity with the five stages of the Service Lifecycle and to
understand the holistic nature of IT Service Management
To understand
how service value is created
To introduce
the delegates to the concept, relationships, and benefits of an IT
Service Management program using ITIL frameworks, methods, process
objectives and standards
differentiate between the various ITSM processes and functions and
understand how they relate
To provide an
insight into the issues surrounding organizational change

Faculty: Mr. Ivor Evans, FISM, MBCS (and
Honorary Lifetime President of itSMF UK)

Ivor Evans is an acknowledged expert on practical and strategic IT Service
Management issues. There are few people in the world who can match the
extent of his ITSM experience briefly stated as under:

35 Years of
Training and Practice Support experience in relevant field with Top
level Government and corporate offices
Conducted (one
of the first in the world) ITIL-based IT Service Improvement Program
for UK Army Logistics, in 1989
Honorary Life
President of ITSMF
Chairman of the management board of ITSMF International
Elected fellow
of the international Institute of IT Service Management
Contributor of
rewriting of OGC's IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Version 3
Co-author of
Code of Practice for IT Service Management (PD0005)
Co-author of
the British Standard S15000 (now ISO 20000)
Member of the
British Computer Society
expert on practical and strategic IT Service Management issues

Pay Offs: By the end of the workshop,
attendees should:

Know the major
processes and functions involved in IT Service Management as described
in ITIL v3.
Understand how
each of the ITIL processes helps to address the common IT Service
Management problems.
Recognize the
key factors for successful implementation of IT Service Management.
Discover the
major pitfalls of implementing a Continual Service Improvement Program
- and learn how to avoid them.
Be familiar
with modern ITSM implementation models and the language of IT Service
Understand how
best to raise awareness and gain support and commitment from their
Have sufficient
knowledge to improve co-operation between their organizations
business developers, operational service providers and other internal
and external IT professionals
Have gained
practical advice on implementing organizational change.

Course Hours

09:30 AM to
17:15 PM
Lunch and
refreshments provided

Who Should Attend

IT and business executives, IT management, staff, consultants, process
owners, business liaison professionals , and anyone interested in learning
about ITSM



Material Provided

Internationals ITILv3 IT Service Management Pocket Guide
handouts and copies of all presentational material

Registration and Fee

For Individuals (single registration): Rs. 6,900/- INR Plus taxes as actual,
Fee includes the workshop course materials, refreshments, high
tea-refreshments & Lunch.
Special bonuses for
Group of 5 Delegates
Register today and get 10% discount only on the group of 4 or more

to Get enrolled

seshadri iyengar
Professional Member


"For more information on other
ITIL Course offerings"
You may also contact
us for ITIL implementation assignments.
Diymonde Solutions Incorporation
Canada, USA, UK, Duba, Oman, India,

Organized by Diymonde
DIYmonde Solutions Inc. is renowned worldwide for the calibre of its ITIL () and ITSMimplementation, Consulting, Training and Publication.The IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL (), is a series of documents that are used to aid the implementation ofa framework for IT Service Management (ITSM). This framework defines how Service Management isapplied within specific organisations. Being a framework, it is completely customisable for applicationwithin any type of business or organisation that has a reliance on IT infrastructure.ITIL () has seen exponential growth in the Asian market over the past two years and IT organizationsaround the globe are all facing the same fundamental challenges to make the value of IT transparent tothe business, to implement strategic themes to cope with market trends, and to become more predictablein both the costs and the value creation. In response to these challenges many organizations aresuccessfully using the best practices of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL ()as a way to "work smarter notharder."Information Managers and professionals are mindful that the adoption of the ITIL () Framework must bejustified in the language that is universally accepted by all organizations. That language is of course,return on investment.Although there is no set ITIL () cost model available there are a variety of ways to approach thedevelopment of an ITIL () cost model.One way is to consider each particular process area. For instance an ITIL () cost model for ChangeManagement would consider areas such as the costs of establishing a change committee, costs ofmeetings, etc. against the benefits of reduced incidents due to well controlled changes.Another ITIL () cost model approach would be to consider a group of closely coupled processes (e.g.Change, Release and Configuration Management). This way the synergies of a multi-process approachare higher and there is reduced duplication in areas like administration.The release of the new version of ITIL () V3 brought with it an important change of emphasis, from anoperationally focused set of processes to a mature service management set of practice guidance.It also brought a rationalization in the number of volumes included in the set, which now comprises thefollowing:Service StrategyService Strategy deals with the strategic management approach in respect of IT Service Management;strategic analysis, planning, positioning, and implementation relating to service models, strategies, andstrategic objectives. It provides guidance on leveraging service management capabilities to effectivelydeliver value to customers and illustrate value for service providers.The Service Strategy volume provides guidance on the design, development, and implementation ofservice management, not only as an organizational capability, but also as a strategic asset. It providesguidance on the principles underpinning the practice of service management to aid the development ofservice management policies, guidelines, and processes across the ITIL () Service Lifecycle. ServiceStrategy decisions have far-reaching consequences including those related to delayed effect.Topics include the development of markets, internal and external, service assets, service catalog, andimplementation of strategy through the Service Lifecycle; setting objectives and expectations ofperformance towards serving customers and market spaces, and to identify, select, and prioritizeopportunities. Assisting an organization to position itself to deal with the costs and risks associated withits service portfolios, establishing both operational effectiveness and distinctive performance.Service DesignService Design translates strategic plans and objectives and creates the designs and specifications forexecution through service transition and operations. It provides guidance on combining infrastructure,applications, systems, and processes, along with suppliers and partners, to present feasible serviceofferings.The Service Design volume provides guidance on the design and development of services and servicemanagement processes. It includes design principles and methods for converting strategic objectives intoportfolios of services and service assets. Service Design is not limited to new services and includes thechanges and improvements required to maintain or increase value to customers over the lifecycle ofservices, taking into account the continuity of services, conformance to standards and regulations andachievement of service levels. It also provides guidance on the development of design capabilities forservice management.Service TransitionService Transition provides guidance on the service design and implementation, ensuring that the servicedelivers the intended strategy and that it can be operated and maintained effectively.The Service Transition volume provides guidance on the development and improvement of capabilities fortransitioning new and changed services into operations. Guidance is provided on how the requirements ofService Strategy encoded in Service Design are effectively realized in Service Operation, whilstcontrolling the risks of failure and disruption. It combines the processes in Release, Program and RiskManagement and sets them in the practical context of Service Management.Service Transition provides guidance on managing the complexity of changes to services and servicemanagement processes to prevent undesired consequences whilst permitting for innovation. It providesguidance on transferring the control of services between customers and service providers.Service OperationService Operation provides guidance on the management of a service through its day-to-day productionlife. It also provides guidance on supporting operations by means of new models and architectures suchas shared services, utility computing, web services, and mobile commerce.This volume presents practices in the management of service operations and includes guidance onachieving efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery and support of services to ensure value for thecustomer and the service provider. Service operations ultimately fulfill the strategic objectives, whichmake it a critical capability. Guidance is provided on techniques to maintain service operations stabilitywhilst allowing for changes in design, scope, scale, and service levels.Service Operation provides detailed guidelines on processes, methods, and tools in addressing theproactive and reactive control perspectives. Managers and practitioners are provided with knowledge;enabling them to make better informed decisions in areas such as managing the availability of services,controlling demand, optimizing capacity utilization, scheduling of operations, and fixing problems.Continual Service ImprovementContinual Service Improvement provides guidance on the measurement of service performance throughthe service life-cycle, suggesting improvements to ensure that a service delivers the maximum benefit.This volume provides guidance on creating and maintaining value for customers through improveddesign, introduction, and operation of services. It combines principles, practices, and methods fromchange management, quality management, and capability improvement to achieve incremental andsignificant improvements in service quality, operational efficiency, and business continuity.It provides guidance on linking improvement efforts and outcomes with service strategy, design, andtransition, focusing on increasing the efficiency, maximizing the effectiveness and optimizing the cost ofservices and the underlying IT Service Management processesSo, what are the Business Benefits of V3? Improved use of IT investments Integration of business and IT value Portfolio driven service assets Clear demonstration of ROI and ROV Agile adaptation and flexible service models Performance and measures that are business value based IT Service Assets linked to business servicesWhilst CIOs will still care about achieving operational excellence in order to deliver robust services tothe Business and its Customersthey all have to address: Unacceptable levels of Service availability Unclear and uncontrolled Service costs Inability to respond to changing Business needs Ineffective Service improvement Programmes Inconsistent reporting of Service performance Inability to react effectively to major Service Events or Crisis Perception of poor quality and inconsistent ways of working Unclear compliance against Software Licence Agreements Complex infrastructure and unclear end-to-end IT ServicesIn todays worldsthey will also need to understand how to shape service strategies that create value forBusiness and its Customers. The new Service Strategy volume deals with these C-Level Businessconcepts. For example: Defining Services; Defining Strategy; Value Networks, Value Creation and Value Capture; Market Spaces and Solution Spaces; Business and IT Service Management; Service Portfolios; Enterprise Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture; Types of Service Providers; The Business Case for building Service Assets and Service Management Capabilities; Measuring Service Performance.We at DIYmonde has recognized the needs of its clients to be able to provide not only its core offering ofbusiness process improvement& but also to be able to utilize the ITIL () framework of best practiceprocesses& which is fast becoming the de-facto standard for IT service management and is theunderpinning requirement for ISO20000. Our customer-focused approach delivers systems & processesand people more closely aligned to the strategy and achievement of the objectivesAs a specialist in ITSM education, DIYmonde Solutions Inc. also provides high-level workshops,Simulations and Customized ITIL () training through out North America. We are also leading supplier ofend-to-end ITIL ()-compliant solutions. This covers the complete area of training, consulting and servicemanagement implementation services. Our accredited ITIL () training programs are easy-to-follow, richwith real world examples, best practices knowledge, and focused discussions to successfully preparecourse participants for the internationally recognized ITIL () Certificate examination and its application inreal life situation afterwards. Our programs are comprehensive, by design, to exceed the boundaries ofthe conventional and currently available ITSM/ITIL () training courses.DIYmonde objective is to transfer the wealth of knowledge and know-how from our experiencedinstructors to program participants and be your ITSM training organization of choice. Our commitment isto assist our clients meeting their ITSM challenges through the provision of efficient and cost effectiveITSM/ITIL () and ISO 20000 Training Solutions..

Ticket Info:  Work Shop on ITSM ITIL Best Practices by IVOR EVANS, $153.75

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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