Going for the Gold: Achieving Excellence in Online Education
Whether you're a rookie or a pro, attending live or online, you'll:
* Learn new online teaching methods
* Catch up on new technologies
* Learn and collaborate with leaders in online education
* Exercise your brain cells to new levels of fitness!
Priced to meet your budget:
* Attend the two-day conference in person for as little $150. Registration even includes two breakfasts and one lunch plus snacks!
Get motivated and inspired by...
Hearing Outstanding Presentations by Keynote Speakers
* "E-Learning: On the Right Track to a Successful Future?" by Jim Farmer, Chairperson, Instructional Might and Magic and former VP of Information Technology, Los Rios Community College District.
* "The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of DE" by Dan Barnett, Chair, Distance Education Committee and CETC Ambassador, and Patricia James Hanz, Dean of Academic Success and Technology, Mt San Jacinto College.
* CVC Awards - See this year's winners and find out how you can enter for next year.
* Breakout and Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions - Join colleagues in your professional specialty.
* Meet other online instructors.
Get more information and register now at: www.cccone.org/07conference
About CVC, @ONE, CCC Confer, and CCCSAT in partnership with Ohlone College:
Sponsors offer distance courses and online learning throughout California at community college locations.
Official Website: http://www.cccone.org/07conference
Added by FullCalendar on June 6, 2007