Excavations 2007: New Plays In Development presents Idris Goodwin of Chicago’s Hermit Arts, returning to the Revolutions Festival with a staged reading of The Wolfman. This new work by the acclaimed playwright of Braising and I Have An Agenda was partially developed in New Mexico. Goodwin made his Festival debut in 2006 with his hip-hop theatrical piece I Have An Agenda, and stayed on to produce the February World Premiere performance of his original script Braising, featuring Tricklock Company’s Summer Olsson and Hermit Arts’ Jonathan Putman. Now, catch a staged reading of Goodwin’s new work, The Wolfman, featuring members of Tricklock Company, and participate in a post-performance discussion, in this very special, one-time-only event.
Tues., January 30, 8 p.m., Orpheum Arts Space, 500 2nd Street (corner of 2nd & Coal). All tickets $10. Tickets available at NHCC Box Office 505-724-4771
Official Website: http://www.tricklock.com
Added by kellykoepke on December 14, 2006