1350 N. 1st Street
San Jose, California 95112

eWomenNetwork, San Jose presents:

Exclusive eWomenNetwork *Accelerated Networking* Luncheon event!

Thursday, December 14, 11:30am-1:30pm, Wyndham Hotel San Jose

MORE INFO: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=74

You are invited to attend a Holiday Extravaganza eWomenNetwork Accelerated Networking event at Wyndham Hotel San Jose, 1350 N. First St.

Please note that registration prices change beginning December 9, 2006. On that date, all registrations are $59.00, if still available.

Featured Speaker: You, business women of Silicon Valley!

eWomenNetwork members are an incredibly gifted and multi-talented group of business women. We all have much to offer and much to learn from each other. But, we cannot support you or refer others to you if we do not know about you and what you offer. Come and discover how we can support you and your objectives.

Topic: Holiday Business Extravaganza

Each member of eWomenNetwork wants to know about you and what you have to offer. We want to learn what you need and how to refer others to you. So dress in some fun, sparkly holiday attire and come network with us! Browse our expanded display table area, a fabulous holiday raffle to benefit the eWomenNetwork Foundation, and a delicious dinner and cash bar. Purposes of this event are to:

  • Share your products/service with others
  • Share resources, contacts and ideas
  • Build a stronger team spirit
  • Share business growth and marketing strategies
  • Have fun and enjoy getting to know each other!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wyndham Hotel San Jose
1350 N. 1st Street
San Jose, CA, 95112

$51 guests, $41 eWN members, $59 at the door if still available. Includes dinner!
Register at https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=74

Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=74
Email: Kristy Rogers <kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com>
Phone: (408) 288-8484

About eWomen Network:
An eWomenNetwork "Accelerated Networking" event is a focused networking process developed to ensure that every woman has an opportunity to:
  1. Promote who she is and what she does in a dynamic business environment;
  2. Ask for what she specifically needs from others;
  3. Develop new business alliances and friends; and,
  4. Learn new ideas and strategies for promoting her business and generating more revenue.

Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/calendar.php?lid=74

Added by eWN-SJ on December 6, 2006

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