2960 Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, California 94043

Are You Really An Entrepreneur?

In this very hot and sometimes controversial seminar, Silvia Johnson shares, "Often times we get in our own way by creating unnecessary busy work and structures in our business that seem like the right thing to do, because it's what we learned to do as employees". Learn exactly what you need to do to make this critical shift that will help you take your business to the next level of success!

At this powerful event you'll learn:

*How most business owners never quite succeed in business because of the employee or "corporate mindset" that they try to use as they build out their business.
*Key distinctions between a corporate and entrepreneurial mindset.
*How to better incorporate the entrepreneur mindset into your business, even if you don't want to make millions!

Silvia Johnson, Outside the Cubicle, LLC, is on a mission to support women entrepreneurs succeed by sharing tools and knowledge that will help to create solid, sustainable and growing businesses. Her unique approach blends introducing concepts with practical strategies you can apply to your business. Silvia has over ten years of experience and has transformed hundreds businesses on an international scale. She holds a degree in Psychology for the University of California, Organizational Development Certification from Davis, and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach.

Facilitator's Information:

Kristy Rogers
(408) 288-8484
Email: kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com

Official Website: http://www.ewomennetwork.com

Added by FullCalendar on February 23, 2011

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