2960 Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, California 94043

"How to Create Brand Names with Buzz"

Alexandra's entertaining and enlightening presentation, "How to Create Brand Names with Buzz," will show you everything you need to know about the new rules of creating brand names, including why old school naming techniques (like Latin-based and invented names) don't work in today's Internet-centric world. Discover the secret to powerful brand names that generate buzz and revenue in this "never a dull moment" presentation and learn why a name should make you smile instead of scratch your head.

At this powerful event you'll learn:

*How to evaluate the strength of any name in 15 seconds
*How to avoid costly naming mistakes
*3 domain name secrets that will save you thousands
*How to cash in on your name with branded merchandise
*Where to find free naming resources online

Alexandra Watkins, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of national branding firm, Eat My Words, Alexandra has turned her passion for naming things into a thriving business. When you see a name created by Eat My Words, you'll never ask, "What were they smoking?"Unlike old-school naming firms who mangle the alphabet and massacre words beyond all recognition, we create conceptual brand names that consumers can appreciate, pronounce, spell and, most importantly, remember.

Facilitator's Information:

Kristy Rogers
(408) 288-8484
Email: kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com

Official Website: http://www.ewomennetwork.com

Added by FullCalendar on February 10, 2011

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