2151 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, California 95054

Are You Getting What You're Worth?

Is there a skill in getting paid? Are your efforts going toward what you want to get out of your work? We'll explore what are the key factors in determining pay and fees and 12 things you can do to increase the value you bring to others.

At this powerful event you'll learn:

*How to determine what your clients/boss value.
*How to link your pay to your value.
*How to build a community of support
*How to increase your "Irish Luck"

Bonita Thompson, has spent 25 years in Human Resources designing compensation programs and performance-based incentive programs for Bank of America, Levi Strauss, and Genentech. She has BA in Industrial Psychology and an MBA from the Haas School of Business UC Berkeley. She is currently Research Director for Leader Powertools conducting research on values and productivity.

Facilitator's Information:

Kristy Rogers
(408) 288-8484
Email: kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com


Official Website: http://www.ewomennetwork.com

Added by FullCalendar on February 8, 2011