2151 Laurelwood Road
Santa Clara, California 95054

Creating Your Business From the Future: A Radical New Way to Call in Success.

Without realizing it, we limit our success in business building. We create our business from the past. We make "reasonable" business projections and assumptions based on who we have "been" and take actions from what we think is possible. Creating from the future is a radically different way to catapult the growth of your business. Come learn how to make a quantum leap in your business success.

At this powerful event you'll learn:

*How to step beyond the limits of your past in growing your business
*How to make a quatum leap in your business and experience massive success
*How to access and leverage unseen forces for your benefit

Sonika Tinker, MSW, is a Relationship Expert, Transformational Coach, Certified NLP ProfessionalTM, Certified Enneagram Teacher, National Speaker and Author of Seize Your Opportunities: Living a Life Without Limits. She is the Founder of LoveWorks, a relationship training company and has over 30 years experience coaching people to shift the current creation paradigm from limitation and resignation to joyful, expansive creation. In her previous experience as a sales rep for a real estate education company, she and her husband were top producers for the region, winning most successful month in sales in 2007, and second most successful in total year sales in 2008. This year, she shifted a side relationship training business to a full-time business and increased her income 600% to nearly six figures in just 8 months.

Facilitator's Information:

Kristy Rogers
(408) 288-8484
Email: kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com

Official Website: http://www.ewomennetwork.com

Added by FullCalendar on January 31, 2011

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