35 S. Second St.
Campbell, California 95008

Exclusive eWomenNetwork "Accelerated Networking" Lunch Event

Thursday, January 17, 2008
10:30AM - 1:30PM at Villa Ragusa
35 S. Second St.
Campbell,CA 95008

$55.00 for non-members and $45.00 for eWN Members
Late registration, beginning 1/12/2008: $65.00
Kristy Rogers

Speaker's Name: Mike Van Horn

About the Speaker: Mike Van Horn, president of The Business Group, is author of How to Grow Your Business without Driving Yourself Crazy®. “I’ve worked with well over a thousand business owners. They all think their businesses are unique. But when it comes to overcoming the challenges to growth, profitability, and not having to work so dang hard, they are all pretty much the same. Our annual plan workshops are an essential part of this process. Many have worked with us for years, and can see the progress evident in their growing stack of annual plans, more money in their bank account, and longer vacations.”

Name of Topic: Create a Lean and Practical Action Plan for 2008!

About the Topic: Growth and profit flow from good planning, not just hard work. So don’t neglect planning for your 2008 success. Mike will discuss tips and an easy way to create a lean and practical action plan for 2008. You will have an opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time so Mike can answer them at the event. Attend this event to learn more about successfully planning.
The basics of any business plan include:
Your numbers—revenue, profits, your paycheck.
Marketing and sales needed to achieve your goals
Operation, administration and finances. Your people, work place and equipment.
San Jose businesswomen are owners, corporate professionals and entrepreneurs who are committed to supporting and transacting business with women. At this event we will maximize our networking efforts by giving first and then asking for what we need to grow our businesses. We value business relationships and interaction. We will have extended networking time to get to know each other.

Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=7668

Added by ldeglin on December 21, 2007

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