2151 Laurelwood Rd (Fwy 101 at Montague Expressway),
Santa Clara, California

TOPIC: Envisioning Success on YOUR Terms!

When you started your business you had a picture of what success looked like for you. Then, you got busy getting clients/customers and running the business. This is your opportunity to sit back, relax and reconnect with your success. You will walk out of the room with a clear vision of what you want your future to look like. Envisioning your success is the first step in making sure it happens! I take it back, there will be no sitting back and relaxing, this is a roll up your sleeves, get engaged and move forward talk.

At this powerful event you'll learn:

* Envision what success looks like for you.
* Create a rich and vivid picture of yourself in that environment.
* Realize you have the power within yourself to have the life you imagine.

SPEAKER: Kim Miller-Hershon, is passionate about helping women build their businesses. She is an experienced, creative business developer and marketer, including using social media to generate revenue. Her education, business and life experiences combine to make her a compassionate business coach, who gets results. What sets Kim apart is her belief that you achieve the success you want in your life by having a clear vision and developing an executable plan based on your strengths. She has her undergraduate degree in Speech Communications and Business Economics, and two Masters degrees: in Public Administration and Communal Service.

Contact: Kristy Rogers, (408) 288-8484, Kristyrogers@eWomenNetwork.com

San Jose businesswomen are owners, corporate professionals and entrepreneurs who are committed to supporting and transacting business with women. At this event we will maximize our networking efforts by giving first and then asking for what we need to grow our businesses. We value business relationships and interaction. We will have extended networking time to get to know each other.

Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=12436

Added by ldeglin on September 9, 2010

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