3055 Olin Ave.
San Jose, California 95128

eWomen Networking event

  • Are you looking for more business and leads?
  • Are you looking for ways to expand your career opportunities?
  • Are you looking for new resources, ideas and strategies?

Join the excitement and serious "revenue generating" networking at an eWomenNetwork "Accelerated Networking" event.

Guest Speaker: Jill McGillen
Topic: Go For It!

Often times we need to create opportunity versus waiting for it to come to us. Defining the ideal opportunities is one thing and then going for it is quite another. Jill will share her successful strategies of going for it!

3 Steps to Increase Business Success:

  • Access what is needed for potential clients to perceive that they need you.
  • Develop an action plan to get from where you are now to where you need to be.
  • Get busy, passionate, confident and…Go For It!

Jill McGillen’s syndicated work advice column appears on Sundays in the San Mateo County Times, Oakland Tribune, Tri-Valley Herald and many other Bay Area newspapers. The “Ask Jill” column grew from an idea that sharing her expertise in print would build her business - and it does! The exposure from syndication profits her successful organizational consulting and training firm, NEXT TURN. Jill will give insightful tips on how to identify your special talent into opportunity…and “go for it”!

Cost includes lunch: $51 guests, $41 eWN members, $59 at the door

More Info: kristyrogers@ewomennetwork.com or 408-288-8484

Official Website: http://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/registration/localEvents.phtml?aid=94

Added by eWN-SJ on June 29, 2006

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