2200 Adeline St., Ste. 125 (Entrance on Adeline St.)
Oakland, California 94607


Evolutionary Patterns and the Lonely Owl (Mutation #1)

Sat, Nov 19, 7:30pm-10:00pm, Oakland

MORE INFO: http://www.double-vision.biz

Bay Area intermedia performance group DOUBLE VISION is presenting an evening of mutating dance, music, video, and installation. Audience members transmit genetic codes, play cryptic games, and witness the 21st Century debacle of the wise and mysterious owl. Interactive technology and old school human bodies fill in the void between neuron and neurosis. Come play!

Cast of artists include: Claire Barratt / Cilla Vee, Sean Clute, Amanda Crawford, Nick Fox-Gieg, Simran Gleason, Jessica Gomula, Dave Holton, Pauline Jennings, Jason B. Jones, Chris Kruzic, Geoff Kuffner, Amy Leonards, miss gawker & the tweeker, Amy Nielson, Patricia Svilik, Tim Thompson, Nicole Zvarik.

DOUBLE VISION is an intermedia collective of performers, musicians, dancers, and video-artists. Together, our group creates immersive environments utilizing unconventional spaces and transforms conventional spaces through unconventional means. By experimenting with different methods of collaboration through the adaptation of social systems, transvergence of scientific models, and mapping of algorithmic structures, DOUBLE VISION unifies multifaceted art forms and ideas.

DOUBLE VISION was formed in December, 2003 by Sean Clute and Pauline Jennings as an means to work with others interested in questioning and altering the landscape of dance, music and video. Their first major collaboration came in the form of Involution 2, a cross-country, NY and CA event held at 23 Windowz, Brooklyn, NY. Their interactive dance and animation work Disembodied Head has been performed at the Mills College Signal Flow Festival, WORKS/San Jose, SPARK (KQED), and will be televised on Meaning in the 21st Century, a national PBS broadcast. During its brief existence, DOUBLE VISION has curated and performed pieces in New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Albuquerque, and the WWW.

Saturday, November 19

Mad Horse Loft
2200 Adeline St., Ste. 125 (Entrance on Adeline St.)
Oakland, CA, 94607

5-10$ suggested donation.

Website: http://www.double-vision.biz
Email: dv@double-vision.biz
Phone: 510-535-2504

DOUBLE VISION is an intermedia collective of performers, musicians, dancers, and video-artists. By experimenting with different methods of collaboration through the adaptation of social systems, transvergence of scientific models, and mapping of algorithmic structures, DOUBLE VISION unifies multifaceted art forms and ideas.

Added by FullCalendar on October 22, 2005

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