Part of an ongoing campaign to keep Shell out of the Sacred Headwaters of NW BC. The campaign has broad regional, national, and international NGO support.
See the You Tube Video 'Nigeria North'
(See the link in the Links section)
A group of elders of the local First Nation (Tahltan) has requested the assistance in this matter of anyone who is willing and able to help
Morning - 7:00am meet at Starbucks in the Westin Calgary Hotel - 320 4th Ave, SW. This is right by the Shell tower. By 7:30 - Shell tower handing out information and holding signs as employees come into work. We'll dispurse at 9:00.
Lunch - 12:00pm meet on sidewalk in front of main Shell tower entrance. Rally, megaphone chants, hold banners and signs, hand out info, and deliver giant eviction notice to Shell. Done by 1:00.
Afternoon - 4:30pm meet on sidewalk in front of main Shell tower entrance and hold signs and hand out info as people leave work.
Added by Snap on November 6, 2007