3003 Summit Boulevard
Atlanta, Georgia 30319

Web 2.0 Universitys Web 2.0 Executive Bootcamp will be coming to Atlanta on January 29, 2008. For all its appeal to the young and the wired, wrote BusinessWeek recently, Web 2.0 may end up making its greatest impact in business. The article, by BWs Silicon Valley correspondent Robert Hof, was headlined Web 2.0 Has Corporate America Spinning.

Web 2.0 has been steadily transforming the business world for a couple of years now, yet many business executives and line staff across America are still experiencing Web 2.0 headspin. Whats been missing is a comprehensive and efficient way of clearly understanding the strategic competitive advantage of Web 2.0 concepts.

For anyone not keeping up, Hinchcliffe & Companys pioneering Web 2.0 University, the most trusted name in Web 2.0 business education, has devised a very special one-day event to get them up to speed in this generational shift in business thinking. Sub-titled Everything You Need To Know About Web 2.0, it is coming to various locations across the United States in 2007 and 2008

Immediately Actionable, Profound Material
Devised by Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 expert Dion Hinchcliffe, an acknowledged social and enterprise computing thought leader with a worldwide reputation, and taught by Hinchcliffe trained team of experts, Everything You Need To Know About Web 2.0 will help you in just one day to fully understand the business significance of Web 2.0 buzzwords like collective intelligence, social media, wikis, syndication strategies, The Web as Platform, self-service software, mashups, Jakobs Law, and rich user experiences. By the end of the day you will see how you can build and grow a real 21st century business with these ideas.

Web 2.0 University participants will:

Achieve a fundamental understanding of Web 2.0 really is.
Get a clear view of the new business models made possible by Web 2.0.
Learn how to create disruptive market leading online platforms.
Gain best practices for sustainable competitive advantage online.
Get a brief tour of Enterprise 2.0 and why its so important.
Study Web 2.0 examples, case studies, and success stories in detail.
Understand how to use social media to win in the marketplace.
Over 3,000 business and technical professionals have already attended Web 2.0 University events around the world and reviews from satisfied attendees have been fulsome in their praise.

So, if you want to understand what is going in the world around, sign up for Everything You Need To Know About Web 2.0 now and book one of the limited number of places to receive in a single day enough information, analysis and actionable insights to help your business come from behind,in embracing concepts like co-intelligence, the wisdom of crowds, social software, and the power of us.

Whether you are in the fast-paced financial industry or working for a startup, this event is ideal for anyone in the business world looking to gain a rapid understanding of how to embrace Web 2.0 in their business for both immediate and long-term competitive advantage.

Previous attendees have included participants from companies such as AOL, Accenture, Best Buy, IBM, Microsoft, T. Rowe Price, The Gap, The World Bank and many other Fortune 500 firms and Internet companies.

100% Risk Free: While its never been requested, all attendees have an iron-clad money back guarantee if they dont find this event to be to their complete satisfaction and enjoyment.

Web 2.0 University and Hinchcliffe & Company are in strategic partnership with OReilly Media, the firm that coined the term and identified the core ideas behind Web 2.0 to the industry.

For more details or for inquiries, you can reach us at info@web20university.com or at 877-446- 2425.


Dont Delay: Reserve Your Seat Now! https://web20university.com/schedule

8:45 | Meet and Greet

9:00-10:30 | Fundamentals of Web 2.0 -What are The Seven Strategic Principles

10:30-10:45 | Snack Break

10:45-12:00 | Web 2.0 Fundamentals- Continued

12:00-1:00 | Lunch Break

1:00-1:30 | Peer Production Techniques, Blogs, Wikis, and Social Media

1:30-2:00 | Creating Web 2.0 products and services: Open APIs, Mashups, Widgets, Badgets

2:00-2:30 | Best practices for creating an Architectures of Participation

2:30-3:30 | Real World Examples from Those Leading the Industry

3:30-4:30 | Hands On Exercise

4:30-5:00 | Questions/Closing Comments on Business Implications

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of hinch.

Added by Sesmith on December 10, 2007