Rick Prelinger searches out archival film, home movies, political reels, and other celluloid remnants to splice together long-unseen film footage of San Francisco and then invites the audience to be the soundtrack-to identify places and events, to ask questions, and to talk with one another as the film unfolds.
This program highlights the first six years of Lost Landscapes, focusing on home movies shot by citizen filmmakers and footage of San Francisco's social and political struggles, spanning 1910-1970. Prelinger will briefly talk about the process of creating the Lost Landscape series.
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition The Radical Camera: New York's Photo League 1936-1951.
Official Website: http://www.thecjm.org/index.php?option=com_ccevents&scope=prgm&task=detail&fid=18&oid=858
Added by FullCalendar on October 19, 2012