Event: The World Affairs Council is honored to welcome Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, Chief Justice of Pakistan to speak in the Bay Area. Mr. Chaudhry, having survived attempts by President Musharraf to remove him as chief justice earlier this year, will discuss the independent judiciary and its role in promoting the rule of law and democracy in Pakistan. In light of the political and legal uncertainty over the past few months in Pakistan, the Chief Justice will offer his perspective on what is happening in Pakistan today. What effect do these events have on stability and security in other countries in the region like Afghanistan?
Cosponsored by the American Institute of International Studies & The Asia Society of Northern California
When: Thursday, December 27. Program: 6:00PM – 7:00PM. Advanced registration is recommended for guaranteed seating. However, pre-registration is not required and walk-ins on the day of this program are welcome.
Where: World Affairs Council, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 312 Sutter St., San Francisco
Admission Costs: Council Members: FREE; Nonmembers: $15; Student: $5
Info: 415.293.4600; info@wacsf.org; http://www.itsyourworld.org/
Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org
Added by wacsf on November 7, 2007