Evangelism Marketing Workshop
“Making your customers so happy they freely sell your product for you.”
Evangelism Marketing is one of the most powerful and truly innovative tools available to marketers. Advances in communication technology are making traditional advertising less effective but the good news is Evangelism Marketing is becoming more effective. Successful marketing in the information age depends on effectively using Evangelism Marketing.
In this hands 1 day workshop Mark Frazier will train you on using the Evangelism Marketing system he used to on some of the largest and most successful campaigns of all time including BitTorrent and 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Primary Campaign.
You will learn:
* The 24 components to a complete Evangelism Marketing system.
* How to measure effectiveness of advertising you don’t control.
* How to create viral media.
* The absolute THOU SHALT NOT rules of successful Evangelism Marketing
* How to motivate people to share without paying them.
* How to create products people want to Evangelize.
* Where to find hidden information to super charge your Evangelism Marketing.
* How to evaluate the performance of your Evangelism Marketing.
* Which traditional advertising techniques work with Evangelism Marketing.
* How to seed your message to maximize spread.
* What to do when your message stops spreading.
* Free and inexpensive tools to enhance your effectiveness
Price: $495 per person before May 8, 2008
$595 per person after May 8, 2008
Official Website: http://www.markproffitt.com/classes/
Added by solvtech on April 18, 2008