In honor of the Longfellow Bicentennial, the Maine Historical Society Presents:
Saturday, October 13, 1:00 pm
Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie
A Complete, Marathon Community Reading
at First Parish Church, 425 Congress Street, Portland
Join poets, public figures, and community members for a celebration and complete reading of Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. Published in 1847, Evangeline is one of Longfellow's most powerful and heart-wrenching poems, the story of a young couple separated and torn apart by the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia in 1755. The story has achieved mythic status in Louisiana, Maine, and Nova Scotia, and formed the basis for countless songs, movies, books, and other adaptations.
Experience the full poem read aloud with friends, fans, and other folks! Featured readers will include Maine Poet Laureate Betsy Sholl and Portland Poet Laureate Martin Steingesser, as well as countless other notable Maine actors, scholars and more.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 774-1822 or email
Added by alanapost on October 10, 2007