On 1 & 2 December 2008, Dusseldorf (Germany) will be host to the 2nd edition of the European Venture Summit, offering entrepreneurs from Biotech & Industrial Biotech, ICT and New Energies the opportunity to grow their businesses across borders by facilitating contacts to an experienced and international network of venture capital and corporate investors, strategic partners and expert advisers.
As a result of combining four well-established networking events, the EVS will showcase the most promising biotech, industrial biotech, new energy and information technology entrepreneurs from all over Europe to meet and present themselves to active international investors and corporations seeking investment opportunities and partnerships. In addition to this, a conference programme established by senior industry contacts, will be accessible to all participants.
The European Venture Summit contributes to economic growth within and the development of high-tech and innovative companies throughout Europe. It builds on Europe Unlimited's regional events and networks and introduces regions and entrepreneurs to new markets and new customers.
Official Website: http://www.e-unlimited.com/events/p200245/overview.asp
Added by BerislavLopac on August 1, 2008