Centrally located hotel in Johannesburg
Johannesburg, Gauteng

New to the Euromoney Training calendar: A practical and highly interactive 3-day training course, incorporating numerous case studies to enhance delegates understanding on the production and transformation of agricultural products and their distribution.

Delegates who attend Fundamentals of Agribusiness will:

- Learn how the world's biggest industry works
- Investigate the opportunities that will be created in feeding the world in the next twenty years
- Understand how crops and livestock integrate into the global value chain
- Research individual case studies into agricultural lending and investment
- Learn how to value agribusinesses

Course Overview

Agribusiness is one of the main generators of employment and income worldwide. Traditional production and distribution methods are giving way to more closely coordinated and better planned linkages between agribusiness firms, farmers, retailers and others in the supply chains.

This course takes you to the heart of an industry that feeds seven billion people and growing. Agribusiness comprises all the industries 'from farm to fork'. It covers the supply of agricultural inputs, the production and transformation of agricultural products and their distribution to final consumers.

For more information on this training course please email emea@euromoneytraining.com or call +44 (0)207 779 8543.

Official Website: http://www.euromoneytraining.com/Course/4846/Financial-Training-Africa/CourseInfo.html

Added by Euromoney Training on June 12, 2012

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