Centrally located hotel in Lagos
Lagos, Lagos

This 4-day, intermediate-level training course will assist you in defining the role of the middle office in your organisation.

- Construct an effective middle office which will provide the catalyst for co-ordination and control
within an ERM culture
- Establish a complete systematic control and management programme suitable for all environments
- Create a pre-emptive control strategy and reduce your risks, costs and errors
- Introduce properly focussed information and accounting systems to report and control risk
- Prepare properly for new products and initiatives through a New Products Steering Committee
- Use your middle office as a training ground for risk control and front office

The practitioners guide to achieving a successful and effective middle office

Many institutions have developed middle office functionality as a financial risk and analytical area, but there is a higher need for a co-ordination and management function that brings together all of the elements, including environmental and operational, so they can be managed in a consistent and cohesive way.

This course will illustrate how this can be achieved, without major changes in structure and cost.

For more information on this training course please email emea@euromoneytraining.com or call +44 (0)207 779 8543.

Official Website: http://www.euromoneytraining.com/Course/4848/Financial-Training-Africa/CourseInfo.html

Added by Euromoney Training on June 12, 2012