EuroDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the
community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks
and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. We aim to
educate, provoke thought and bring people together to turn ideas into
working code.
Our ultimate aim is to bring
together Django communities from all over the world. EuroDjangoCon is
presented by Siu Design and helped by a number of volunteers, and i'd
like to thank all those who have offered advice or gone out of their
way to make EuroDjangoCon possible!
Lunch and a coffee break are included in all rates.
Confirmed Keynotes/Invited Speakers
Jacob Kaplan-Moss (Django)
Blaine Cook (Osmosoft)
Joe Stump (Digg)
Leah Culver (Six Apart)
Zed Shaw
Important Dates
Conference days: May 4th - 6th
Sprint days: May 7th - 8th
Please indicate if you are planning to attend the sprints as we have limited capacity.
Organized by Siu Design LimitedSiu Design is a graphic design, Django development shop and event
management company based in London that was formed in August 2006.
Robert Lofthouse (Technical Director) organised the first Django Conferece in Mountain View at Google HQ, which was so successful he decided to bring it to Europe.
Ticket Info: - Student (early), £105.00
- Hobbyist (early), £210.00
- Corporate (early), £318.00
Official Website: http://eurodjangocon-upcoming.eventbrite.com