1809 Franklin Blvd
Eugene, Oregon 97403

The Eugene Weblogger Get-together resumes next Wednesday, Sept 28th. After a three-month break and with the start of the new school year, there's likely to be plenty of chance for local webloggers and weblog fans to get together for the first time or hear about the regulars' summer adventures. I hope you can make it.

The Get-together is on Wednesday the 28th at 6:30pm at Track Town Pizza on Franklin Blvd (near the U of O). Come chat for an hour or two, enjoy some pizza and have a drink. Everyone is welcome.

Don't know what's going on in local blogs? There is really a lot happening in local Eugene-area weblogs and following local blogs is a cool way to keep connected to the community. Check out the Eugene Weblog List on followingedge.com to see more than 100 local weblogs (including 8 new additions):


Wondering what the Get-together is all about? Feel free to email me for more info. Or, what could be more authoritative than a couple of weblog links:


Mark your calendar:

Eugene Weblogger Get-together
Wednesday, September 28 at 6:30pm
Track Town Pizza
1809 Franklin Blvd (near campus)

Hope to see you Wednesday.

Added by mooreamm on September 21, 2005

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