(6:30pm reception - light refreshments)
Requested donation: $10 Members $5
A reading of Mizlansky/Zilinsky or “Schmucks” by Jon Robin Baitz.
Set in the ever-so-sleek and slick Hollywood of the ‘80s, this dizzily funny, yet jarringly sober play revolves around the manic film producer Davis Mizlansky, who is on the brink of being done in by the IRS. Desperate to save himself, and morals be damned (if he ever had any to begin with), he comes up with a scheme he’s sure will save the day?–?and might just make him some money, to boot?–? to produce celebrity-narrated Bible stories for children and then sell shares in the deal as a phony tax shelter. When he tries to convince his former partner, Sam Zilinsky, to come on board, chaos ensues.
Pat Debrovner directs our cast, which includes Carole Chamlin, Jerry Chamlin, Curt Collier, Maria Demarse, Charles Doraine, John Gurney, James Lorenzo, Antonio Pagliarulo, Terry Perlin, and Greg Redlawsk, with stage directions by Beverly Newman. Come at 6:30 pm for a reception in the Social Hall, and after the reading participate in a discussion of the ethical issues of the play, led by Dr. Anne Klaeysen.
Entry to our 100-year-old building and meeting rooms is available for most wheelchair users with prior arrangements. Please call ahead (212-874-5210 x 107) for setup of our portable system and plan to arrive one hour before start time.
Added by Beth Zucker on December 27, 2012