766 grand street
New York City, New York 11211

MiPOesias presents

ETHAN PAQUIN is author of My Thieves (Salt, 2007), The Violence (Ahsahta Press, 2005), Accumulus (Salt, 2003) and The Makeshift (UK: Stride, 2002). He lives and teaches in Buffalo, NY, and returns to seacoast New Hampshire every summer.

Stacy Szymaszek is the author of Emptied of All Ships (Litmus Press, 2005) as well as several chapbooks. After working at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee, WI for many years she moved to New York to be the Program Coordinator at the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church. This year she is also the Monday Night Reading curator. She edited Gam: A Survey of Great Lakes Writing which lived for 4 issues, and now works as co-editor or contributing editor on various projects including Instance Press and Fascicle. Her current work in process is called "hyper glossia," parts of which can be found on the internet, in a Belladonna* chap book and forthcoming from Hot Whiskey Press.

ALVERZ RICARDEZ is the publisher of Kill Poet Press & Journal. His poetry has been published in several journals including Chronogram, Softblow, Pemmican, Language & Culture & AVQ. Alveraz lives in Los Angeles and is currently working on his second volume of poetry.


766 Grand Street Brooklyn , NY 11211
(L train to Grand Street Stop, walk 1 block west)


Hope you'll stop by!
Amy King
MiPO Host

Official Website: http://www.mipoesias.com

Added by modestmouse on March 28, 2007

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