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The Seminar Dates have been changed to From March 20th and 21st to April 24th and 25th.
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Strategies to Build a Successful Business
in the New Economy
This Event Will Help Business Owners Survive and Grow in 2009!
Estrada Strategies, a National CEO Training Organization ispresenting this first in a series of seven seminars to help Businesses Survive and Grow in 2009.
This two-day Business Seminarwill present 11excitingspeakers who will share their secrets for building successful businesses.
At this Seminar you will:
... Develop Financial, Salesand Employee Empowerment Skills that you can immediately use to make your business stronger in 2009.
... Learn how to develop and use the Core Diciplins of Business to build strong systems to grow your business and increase its value to you beyond 2009.
... Build a Network of Other Business Owners to Share Survival and Growth Strategies.
Master Estrada Strategies Core Disciplines of Business
Growth . Client Retention . Administration
Operations . Information Technology . Finance
What You Will Learn
Important Short Term Techniques to Quickly Increase Your Cash Flow
Alternative Ways to Finance Your Business
How to Protect Your Personal Assets
How to Build a Team of Employees That Will Help You Survive 2009
Valuable Long Term Strategies to Build Business Systems and Wealth
Participate in Interactive Seminar Sessions to Share Business Survival Skills
Network With Business Ownersto Develop Important Business Connections
Event Includes
Continental Breakfast and Lunch both Friday and Saturday
Network Mixer Friday Evening 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Ruben Estrada, Estrada Strategies, LLC
Fran Cannon, MBA, ACM, Estrada Strategies, LLC
Alan Cook, Group 1 Productions
David Nordella, Commercial Finance Group
Robert Krieger, Krieger World Wide
Sean Thurin, Benefits Resource
Steven Kerkstra, Kerkstra Capital
Ramiro Cordova, PCS Consultants
Hilda J. Kennedy, AmPac Tri State CDC
Janise Graham, Insurance and Financial Services
Jessica Spaulding Thompson, Amies Communications
Organized by Estrada Strategies, LLCAt Estrada Strategies, we have developed a business model based ontheCore Disciplines of Business. TheseCore Disciplines, when implemented via our training, coaching and montioringprocesses, provide business owners a complete strategy for successful business management. We provide the support and tool you need to implement these strategies in your business.
There is no mystery to what we do. Our methods are simple and efficient and provide the foundation for successful business management, development and growth.
We have used our model of Train, Coach, Montior successfullywith hundreds of small to medium sized businesses nationwide. Their success stories are our successstories. At Estrada Strategies, Ontario, we understand the challenges faced by your company. Our vision is to help you take full advantage of the opportunities you see andto help you become as successful as possible.
Ticket Info: Purchase Ticket, $225.00
Official Website: http://estradastrategies-upcoming.eventbrite.com