Even in these tough economic times it's vitally important to properly plan how to manage the distribution of an estate for individuals, businesses and seniors. With the changing economic conditions as a backdrop, estate planning professionals will gather Oct. 1-2, 2009, in Seattle for the 54th annual Estate Planning Seminar, hosted by the Estate Planning Council of Seattle and the Washington State Bar Association.
Up to 1,000 lawyers, accountants, insurance professionals, trust officers, financial planners, and planned giving/development officers for non-profit organizations are expected to attend this nationally recognized event, which will be held at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center, 800 Convention Place, Seattle.
"This year's speakers are some of the most recognized in their specialties nationally, as well as many of your perennial local favorites. They will all address how the state of our economy has impacted current plans and provide ideas on how to deal with changing valuations, tax laws and continued volatility in the market place. This is sure to be of great interest to your practice regardless of how general or specific your planning specialty is," said Julie Green, Chair of the Estate Planning Seminar and a Wealth Management Advisor with Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co. in Seattle.
This year's topics include state and federal updates, how to help family businesses through the succession process, and estate planning in an era of lost value. Speakers will also explore the areas of Charitable Remainder Trusts, Dynasty Trusts, Grantor Trusts, Family Investment Partnerships, Asset Protection Planning, the use of life insurance in estate planning, and elder law matters such as Medicaid and special needs planning. There will also be a seminar session aimed at estate planners from Oregon.
$450 by Sept. 17, 2009; $470 after that.
Official Website: http://www.wsbacle.org/seminars_show.php?sdx=10436SEA
Added by FullCalendar on September 5, 2009