5 CPE Credits
What's one thing an HR department can do to attract new talent, retain high potential employees, keep staff members from "retiring on the job" and demonstrate that your company means it when they say "our people are our greatest asset"? Answer: Establish a career development program that ensures your employees grow as they work.
Find out how your department and company can assist employees in managing their careers effectively, and what's involved in making a career development program happen. Attend this fast-paced, interactive seminar to:
* Identify the components of successful career development programs
* Create the framework for a career development program in your organization
* Briefly sample assessment tools
Dianne Faieta, Principal of Faieta & Associates, implemented her first career development program in the '80s for the Orange County (California) Transit Authority. Since then she has contributed career development expertise to organizations such as G.E. Capital, Norcal Mutual Insurance, East Bay Municipal Utility District and Stanford University. She has also coached individuals addressing their own career issues.
Desired Level of Experience: HR professionals responsible for creating and implementing internal career development programs/HR staff interested in trying out career assessment and development tools.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on July 1, 2010