1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, Kansas 67260

This course offers proven and effective leadership techniques that are practical and useful. Dr. Graham will emphasize the role of leadership, decision-making and communication in coordinating a team that enthusiastically supports your vision and mission. His lively use of exercises, examples and humor gives you management techniques that equip you with the skills necessary to begin your transition from manager to effective leader.

Individuals currently in a leadership position or those who aspire to develop a leadership role in any type of organization. It is also valuable for anyone who has worked successfully in a leadership role but would like to update and reinforce their skills, plus review the most effective leadership theories and practices.

- Gain insight into your individual leadership style and enhance your capabilities
- Sharpen your communication skills and effectiveness on the job
- Discover the importance of cultivating work teams
- Identify motivation "turn-ons" that result in a productive climate

Official Website: http://cmd.wichita.edu

Added by Center for Management Developmen on November 20, 2008