1705 S. Catalina Avenue
Redondo Beach, California 90277

Essential Beginnings - Scents affect us spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Often we do not realize the full extent of how an aroma as impacted us! Essential oils can help us sleep, decrease hunger and elevate our mood. Young Living scents are only a small part of the magic of Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. We will explore the elements that make Young Living so effective for health, transformation and renewal. Young Living oils can be applied topically, ingested and diffused. Many distillers who are well intentioned, distill pure oils, but purity is not enough. Come and learn what makes an oil truely Therapeutic Grade and why you should care. RSVP to carlasgreatoils@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.carlacohen.com

Added by Carlasgreatoils on September 6, 2009

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