Carrer de la Marina 19-21
Barcelona, Catalonia 08005

In this dynamic market sector where results are expected within the hour and boundaries are endlessly extended, how does research provide real benefits? Products, ideas and technology seem to undergo a revolution every 6 months with better, faster and more advanced techniques and usage flooding the market place. Where do consumers’ needs come into the mix and how can these needs be defined in a world without boundaries?

Programme Committee
Dominic Fried-Booth (Chairperson)
NOKIA Mobile Phones, UK

James Fergusson
TNS, Australia

Paloma Goytre
Amena, Spain

Scott Lee
KTF, Korea

Marcus Pritchard
ACNielsen International Research, USA

Heidi Weinert
Siemens, Germany

Official Website:

Added by researchtalk on October 15, 2006