Why do some students learn while some fall behind? Research over the past two decades has deepened our understanding of the fundamental principles of human learning, yet much of what we do in the classroom seems to ignore these principles. Join us for an evening of learning as the Environmental Science Institute (UT-Austin) presents "How We Learn... and How We Don't" by Dr. Robert Duke.
Make sure to come early to experience exhibits and activities presented by our partners! Free refreshments will be provided. K-12 teachers are also invited to join us for a free workshop (and pizza!) before the event, tailored to provide background useful for the classroom. CD-ROMs with lecture materials and lesson plans are provided free to teachers at these workshops.
Hot Science - Cool Talks is webcast for those who can’t make it in person at www.esi.utexas.edu.
WHO: A former studio musician and public school music teacher, Dr. Duke directs an active research program in motor skill learning and procedural memory at UT. He has also has worked closely with children at-risk, both in the public schools and through the juvenile court system. He lectures frequently on human learning, systematic observation and evaluation, and behavior management, presenting workshops and teaching demonstrations throughout North America. Dr. Duke is the Marlene and Morton Meyerson Centennial Professor in Music and Human Learning, University Distinguished Teaching Professor, Elizabeth Shatto Massey Distinguished Fellow in Teacher Education, and Director of the Center for Music Learning at the University of Texas at Austin.
WHAT: Hot Science - Cool Talks Outreach Series is presented by the Environmental Science Institute at UT Austin. Prelecture interactive exhibits and K-12 teacher workshops are provided free to the public before the lecture.
WHEN: April 17th, 2009. Lecture begins at 7 pm, prelecture interactive exhibits open at 5:45.
K-12 Teacher workshop begins at 6 pm.
WHERE: UT Campus, Welch Hall 2.224. Parking at San Jacinto & 24th St. garage, $1 with coupon available at the talk.
Official Website: http://www.esi.utexas.edu/outreach/lectures.html
Added by esi_ols on April 6, 2009